Martin, you always knew
when a leader shouldered
the cloak of the crusader
underneath he donned
the mantle of the martyr.
When you were stabbed
the blade came so close
to your aorta
had you sneezed
you would have died.
Did you feel the flutter
of archangel wings
protecting you?
When you marched
from Selma to Montgomery
did archangels stride
right by your side
matching you step for step
and wing for wing?
The night before
when you spoke of the “mountain top”
to the multitudes
your troubled soul finally more at peace
did you hear the wings of the angels
cherubim and seraphim this time
ready and waiting
flap and flutter at the temple shutters?
On that fateful day at the Memphis motel
did you go out on that balcony
to allow the angels
a better get-you-away opportunity
to provide your spirit with
a straight shot to heaven?
Martin, you always knew
when a leader shouldered
the cloak of the crusader-hero
underneath he donned
the mantle of the martyr
and, were you aware
of your angel wings too?
CC to: J. Christ, A. Lincoln, M. Gandhi, J.F. Kennedy, R.F.Kennedy, S. Biko,
S. Allende, Che Guevara, Malcolm X., Itzak Rabin